Would you be able to hear the Starship Enterprise if it zipped past you in space? Would the destruction of the Death Star be completely silent? Can you really hear in space?
How Hearing Works | How NASA Works

Even if you've heard the term, you may not know how important habeas corpus is to the U.S. Constitution. How can an ancient Latin phrase for "you have the body" be so relevant today?
How the ACLU Works | Is there a torture manual?

We've all heard of a potty break, but have you ever heard of a potty breaking the bank? What's the most expensive toilet in the world made of? And can you add it to your master bathroom?
How Toilets Work | How Water Heaters Work

World War I lasted more than four years and took the lives of 8.5 million people. So why did soldiers spontaneously put down their guns and shake hands?
How the Rules of War Work | How Machine Guns Work

If you had the perfect cure for world hunger, wouldn't you want to share it? A group called the Breatharians claims to have the answer to this worldwide dilemma: not eating.
How Food Works | How Fast Food Works

For most of us, hardwood floors and stainless-steel appliances seem like nice upgrades. But the world's most expensive houses feature heated driveways, private gyms and movie theaters.
How Home Staging Works | How Mortgages Work

Auroras are stunning natural light shows that are visible only in certain parts of the world at certain times of the year. Where can you go to see one?
How the Sun Works | How the Earth Works

If you've ever been in love, you've probably at least considered classifying the feeling as an addiction. And guess what: You were right. It's the same chemical process taking place.
How Kissing Works | How Sex Works

"21" is a movie based on the best-selling book “Bringing Down the House,” about a group of math prodigies who use card counting to win big in blackjack.
How Craps Works | How Blackjack Works

Agritourism helps small farmers keep business alive by supplementing traditional farm work with tourism. But would you pay to do chores on a farm?
How Organic Farming Works | How Ecolodges Work

Marshall Brain, the original brain behind HowStuffWorks, discusses how people can steal your house, what the length of your fingers says about you and how MP3 files differ.
Daily Podcast: How Barometers Work

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