Having multiple desktops is definitely something every user wants to get his hands on. The crystal clear desktop and all that flexibility fits perfectly in Vista environment looks good on windows xp too.

The best thing about this is its a portable software, that means There is absolutely nothing to install which is just great: no more hassle with evac-ing the application entries in the registry. The software comes in an archive which stores everything the program needs to run properly. The price for the vantage? Believe it or not, the application comes for free. So, it does not bloat the registry, it is free and provides a multi-desktop environment in Windows. These alone should make you download it already.

The interface is too obvious to be described. All you need is prepare some wicked images to place as wide-background and wallpapers. The rest are technicalities that can be assimilated very fast. And if you are too lazy to go look for really cool pictures to put on your desktop you can use the ones that come with Yod’m 3D.

Download Yod’m 3D here

Screen shot of yod’m on my desktop

Screen shot of my Desktop

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Vishnu vardhan Reddy Boda is Tech Blogger and Software Engineer.

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