
On 5:42 PM

Linked Resources
Image Resources

Carnegie Mellon Software Engineering Institute.
<> (December 01, 2001).

Cohn, Frederick B. A Short Course on Computer Viruses. 2d ed. New York: John Wily, 1994.

Davis, Robert W. K., and Scott C. Hutchison. Computer Crime in Canada. Toronto: Carswell Thomson Professional Publishing, 1997.

Feudo, Christopher V. The Computer Virus Desk Reference. 1992 ed. Homewood, IL: Business One Irwin, 1992.

Georgia State University, IS&T Help Centre Services. <>
(November 29, 2001).

Kaspersky, Eugene. Computer Viruses. 2001.
<> (December 01, 2001).

McAfee, John and Colin Haynes. Computer Viruses, Worms,
Data Diddlers, Killer Program and Other Threats to Your System. New York: St. Martin’s Press, 1989.

Skardhamar, Rune. Virus Detection and Elimination and Elimination. Chestnut Hill, MA: AP Professional, 1996.

Virus Information Center. <> (November 30, 2001).

Virus Tutorial. <> (November 30, 2001).

Linked Resources

Edinburgh University: Computing Services. <> (November 27, 2001).

HowStuffWorks. <>
(November 28, 2001).

James Cook University: Computer Viruses.
<> (November 28, 2001).

Image Resources

Absolute Background Textures Archive
<> (December 1,2001).

Animation City
<> (December 1,2001).

Cody’s Animation Station
<> (November28, 2001).

Design Gallery Live, Microsoft
<> (November 28, 2001).

Flaming Text Buttons, Logos
<> (November 27,2001).

McAfee Virus Map
<> (December 02, 2001).

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Vishnu vardhan Reddy Boda is Tech Blogger and Software Engineer.

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