Tweaking Utility 2.0- Download | Purchase now | Online Support[linked text :by vishnu]

The utility for any serious Windows tweaker! Change hundreds of registry settings from Windows XP, improving appearance, performance and functionality. Prevent others from changing your settings, increase Windows security. Lock down control panel applets, Internet Explorer options, even choose which applications can or can't run on the computer.

You can change Windows XP's performance by selecting to keep the Windows XP core system in memory and not paged to disk (advisable only if you have 512MB RAM or greater). You also can optimize the CPU and memory usage for programs, system cache or background services.

Use the Tweaking Utility to add "unremovable" Windows components (such as Microsoft Messenger) to "Add or Remove Programs" and uninstall these components after all.

Use the Tweaking Utility to change the time interval of the Internet time synchronization feature.

When you are logged into a Windows XP administrator account, the Tweaking Utility can adjust settings for all users on the local machine without logging into each user account separately. Just select which user profile you want to change the settings for and off you go!

The Tweaking Utility has hundreds of tweaks for your computer. Download a free copy today!

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Vishnu vardhan Reddy Boda is Tech Blogger and Software Engineer.

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