When more is better-with four processing cores the Intel Core 2 Extreme processor delivers unrivaled¹ performance for the latest, greatest generation of multi-threaded games and multimedia apps.Now with a new version based on Intel's cutting edge 45nm technology utilizing hafnium-infused circuitry to deliver even greater performance and power efficiency. The Intel® Core™2 Extreme processor QX9770 running at 3.2 GHz delivers the best possible experience for today's most demanding users.
12 MB of total L2 cache
1600 MHz front side bus
Intel® Network Processors

Built on a high-performance fully programmable architecture, Intel network processors offer the speed, flexibility, and ease-of-use/reuse you need to accelerate time-to-market, extend time-in-market, and to enable a broad range of services from the customer premises to the core of the network. Network processors optimized for home, small-to-medium enterprise, and networked embedded applications. Flexible wire-speed processing for OC-3 to OC-12 multiservice network applications.
The Intel® IXC1100 control plane processor extends the benefits of Intel XScale® technology, including its rich set of development tools, to meet the processing needs of multi-service switches, VoIP media gateways, wireless infrastructure and other networking equipment.The information on this page is provided for the benefit of customers with existing designs.

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Vishnu vardhan Reddy Boda is Tech Blogger and Software Engineer.

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