By default when WinXP encounters a system failure, it reboots without warning. The setting that controls this can be changed:
Control Panel/System/Advanced/Settings (Startup & Recovery)/System Failure/Uncheck-Automatically Restart. To view the event log: Administrative Tools/Event Viewer or Start/Run/eventvwr.To bypass the BSOD altogether and enable the instant "Auto Reboot" feature: Start/Run/Regedit

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\CrashControl. Right click on "AutoReboot", modify and change the value to 1. Exit, reboot. To disable set the value back to 0.

Windows® Online Crash Analysis

If you experience a blue screen crash event, or Stop error, while using Microsoft Windows XP, you can upload the error report for analysis.

By default when WinXP encounters a system failure, it reboots without warning. The setting that controls this can be changed:
Control Panel/System/Advanced/Settings (Startup & Recovery)/System Failure/Uncheck-Automatically Restart. To view the event log: Admistrative Tools/Event Viewer or Start/Run/eventvwr.

To bypass the BSOD altogether and enable the instant "Auto Reboot" feature, run Regedit and go to:


Right click on "AutoReboot", modify and change the value to 1. Exit, reboot. To disable set the value back to 0.

Windows® Online Crash Analysis
If you experience a blue screen crash event, or Stop error, while using Microsoft Windows XP, you can upload the error report for analysis.

Force Exit

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop
In the right pane find, "AutoEndTasks" (Create if not present). Set the Value of 0 or delete it. No reboot needed.

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Vishnu vardhan Reddy Boda is Tech Blogger and Software Engineer.

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