Speed ,yeah...!! we need it,it is mandatory for us in our daily computing life.but some simple problems make our pc run slow.to over come these problems.follow these steps below,you can surely feel diffrence.

may be these are basic steps for advanced users but it helps a lot

1)De-fragment your drives

if you dont know how to defragment read below

  • go to my computer 
  • right click on any drive
  • select properties

    • navigate to Tools tab
    • select deframent drive option

    do it for all drives.

    if it is first time for your pc then it may take long time to do.but don't neglect this helps a lot.

    2)clean all unwanted temp files and junk from your pc

    usually we dont care all these temp files etc but these things really slow up our pc

    use these free softwares to do all these works


    use these software's to clean up temp

    use any of these softwares daily.

    3)REMOVE ALL UNWANTED PROGRAMS and some other tips

    removing all unwanted programs dramatically improves your pc speed.

    try removing large programs which u dont use them often.

    if u use a program once in 40  days or 30 days its good to remove it and install when ever you use(in case if it is too good for ur ram and pc)

    use registry optimizers to optimize registry and fix broken dll's etc

    some hard disks run very slow in opening files etc,it means your hard disk is about to dead.if u concerned for speed you need to change the hard disk and keep your old hard disk as secondary data storage.this will help in speeding up as well as large room for files in your pc.

    if you have not installed operating system from years its too good to format your pc and install operating system

    check for viruses and spyware also clean up all drives by freeing up unwanted files.

    all these tips will definitely increase your computer speed.

    Enter your email address to get free software's windows and virus removal tricks: SMS Alerts: Get news headlines on your mobile phone for freeMOBILE ALERTS

    1 Comment

    1. Ellen Said,

      Thanks! But in my opinion, CCleaner is more than a temp files deletor. Even it is good as a history cleaner, but not enough as a registy cleaner, registry cleaning is still an important part for speeding up PC. For me, I have another Windows registry optimizer that better than CCleaner.

      Posted on Tuesday, January 05, 2010


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    Vishnu vardhan Reddy Boda is Tech Blogger and Software Engineer.

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