Have you ever wanted to quickly send a file to a friend who's online? Now it's easy! We're excited to announce that you can now share pictures, documents, and other files with your friends while chatting in orkut and iGoogle. To give it a try you don't need to install anything, simply start a conversation with a friend and click Send a file... in the 'Actions' menu:

This feature is also compatible with the file transfer functionality in the Google Talk downloadable software, so you can share files directly from the web with folks who use the desktop version.

File transfer is available in orkut and iGoogle only for now. We're working on bringing it to Gmail as well, and we'll keep you posted when that happens!

article taken from orkut blog.Posted by Lizhen Wang, software engineer on orkut blog

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  1. Vishnu Said,

    Hey dude, Do you Know Gmail Virtual Drive
    It is very good tool to share files by gmail

    I found this tool in:
    http://tinyurl.com/37qmhsu , in it there is clear explanation see it

    DOwnload and share this file :

    *I think your users like this tool very much

    Posted on Saturday, October 30, 2010

  2. Vishnureddy Said,

    ya am going to write this

    Posted on Saturday, October 30, 2010

  3. Vishnu Said,

    k sir , but why do you keep direct links from softpedia, without using upload sharing sites, you will get money kada....

    Posted on Saturday, October 30, 2010

  4. Vishnureddy Said,


    usually i take links from mother website of the file, in case if i dont find i use the permalinks for softwares which wont get broken.

    and links from mediafire and rapidshare may break due to uploader(the one who uploaded may remove some day) problems

    Posted on Saturday, October 30, 2010


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Vishnu vardhan Reddy Boda is Tech Blogger and Software Engineer.

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